Thursday, October 10, 2013

Impeach Pres. Obama and Lies on Debt Default

     I had previously emailed Rep. Neugebauer (TX) agreeing with him that it is disgraceful for the Obama administration to have denied access by World War II veterans to their Memorial in Washington.
    One of our Political advisers as also added his own comments. In addition to commenting, he has strongly suggested that the House impeach Pres. Obama for dereliction of duty to the people. I expect an impeachment will go nowhere, because of the presence of heavy Democratic support in the Senate. However, a proposal of impeachment by the House makes a statement that will go into the historical record of Obama's presidency and be part of this legacy. He will then at least pay something for his atrocious commitment to the American public.
    Our Political Advisor had this to say,
"I personally believe that the House is irresponsible if they do not proceed
to impeach the President for his deliberate actions to hurt the American
people. It is another violation of his oath of office duties including his
failure defending this unique Constitution which requires the government to
serve the people rather than rule the people. 
The parks are owned by the people, not the government. Any restriction of
access beyond public safety or actually protection from destruction makes
the Park Rangers (who are entrusted by the people to operate the parks for
the benefit of the people) trespassers and violators of the owners' rights.
In addition, reports of violation of rights of access to leased land or
privately owned land could likely cause government (and the taxpayers) to be
sued, and if that happens, the money should come from the Whitehouse
operational and travel (vacation) budget which does not appear to be
significantly affected by the shut down. 
Certainly the Park Rangers were violating their oath and according to the
Nuremberg trials after WWII, following orders that are unlawful are not a
defense if the actions are criminal as were Hitler's orders (or rather the
orders of his subordinates who knew what their Furor wanted without Hitler
having to actually issuing the orders himself). Obama is following the same
pattern by appointing people who will do his will without Obama having to
issue the orders himself. The President is still responsible, however, as
are his subordinates equally responsible for their despicable actions. 
In addition, blocking a United States Congressman who represents the people,
to perform the lawful action to stop the government from abusing the people,
is a violation of Federal law unless that law has been changed. It has been
over 55 years since I learned of this in Junior High School government
The President is also once again lying to the American people in order to
appeal to the low information voters (and repeated often by the hard left
media) by stating that not raising the debt limit will cause the U.S. to
immediately default on payment of its debt, when by law, the government must
pay the some $55 billion each month in interest first from the over $200
billion in collected revenues that flows into the government each month.
Source from Rush Limbaugh radio program today around 1:15 PM. 

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