Dear Randy,
I read your latest newsletter.
I liked your discussion of the Immigration Bill. You said you could not support the bill in its present form. You need strengthening of border security, reforming the lottery system, developing an effective guest worker program, and honoring the laws of our country. This seems to be pretty much in line with the opinions of Sen. Cruz, and I congratulate you both. However, you are in a numbered minority with the Democrats. The only way you're going to be heard is by lots of hollering. Do not acquiesce. This is not something on which you should compromise.
With respect to your position on abortion, I can't get excited about it one way or the other. I agree with you that the killing of full-term or almost full-term babies is inhumane and should be stopped. However, we have many more important things of greater complexity to resolve. I suggest you put through a bill which designates the killing of any unborn infant, normally able to develop reasonable life with current life-support technology, as murder. If you can't get that through, go on with something else. You can always come back to it, when we have all the other problems resolved.
With respect to the Farm Bill, we have discussed this previously. You seem to be partial to it, but I and many others, including Sen. Cruz are strongly opposed. We must get rid of subsidies, unless they involve obvious catastrophes, such as famine. A Farm Bill also has no reason to include food stamps and foreign food aid. Lastly, the present crop insurance system is a fraud and deception. Farmers should pay their own premiums for crop insurance.
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