We have one additional comment from Anonymous 1 on this
series of Insurance and Social Security . His comment is included below.
Although we have had limited participation of only three contributors, I believe
we can draw some tentative conclusions.
There is essentially no support of my original position that Social Security is an insurance program. In fact, there seems to be enough negative emotion generated in regard to the program that this association essentially is lost in the rhetoric.
The fact that only three persons, out of perhaps fifty, were willing to become involved in the discussion, leads me to believe that we have a great silent majority on the subject. The silence may not be caused by an acquiescence that Social Security is a good program, but rather that many are receiving its benefits and do not wish to disturb the golden goose, even to the extent that integrity must be sacrificed.
All participants agree that Social Security system must be changed and some believe it should be eliminated.
In response to the question of whether one should accept Social Security payments, we can say that one and a half out of three agree that payments should be accepted. One proposal was that if the cash is not really needed, it should be donated to charity.
Anonymous 1's last comments are:
What “Social Security” technically was, or is, or should be is largely irrelevant.
There is essentially no support of my original position that Social Security is an insurance program. In fact, there seems to be enough negative emotion generated in regard to the program that this association essentially is lost in the rhetoric.
The fact that only three persons, out of perhaps fifty, were willing to become involved in the discussion, leads me to believe that we have a great silent majority on the subject. The silence may not be caused by an acquiescence that Social Security is a good program, but rather that many are receiving its benefits and do not wish to disturb the golden goose, even to the extent that integrity must be sacrificed.
All participants agree that Social Security system must be changed and some believe it should be eliminated.
In response to the question of whether one should accept Social Security payments, we can say that one and a half out of three agree that payments should be accepted. One proposal was that if the cash is not really needed, it should be donated to charity.
Anonymous 1's last comments are:
What “Social Security” technically was, or is, or should be is largely irrelevant.
What it currently is (in reality and perception)
and what we need to do to fix it, is the issue at hand.
Is it rightfully “fair” that you should feel entitled to collect benefits
(“payback”) after all that you paid in and were led to believe.
Yes. *
You are rightfully entitled. It is a rightful “entitlement” by denotation.
(don’t get confused with the wildly inaccurate connotation that
many folks have assigned to the word “entitlement”)
But there is where the can of worms opens.
The main problem is the graft and corruption created by giving money to
politicians to control, and giving them the power to give it back to us (and in
the process, ”buy” votes and create a welfare state that will vote itself into
bankruptcy, ruination, and oblivion).
* A truly more accurate explanation, however, lies here:
Your statement that your Social Security check is a contracted obligation of the federal government is simply not true. It is really an amount set by legislated policy and has very little to do with what you paid in FICA taxes.
You are not really entitled to receive payments. You just feel like
you are, because it seems “fair”. Actually, you were duped by purposeful
deception and dishonesty on the part of our government, and by your own
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