Monday, September 2, 2013

Misguided Johnson, McCain & Graham on Syria

Open E-Mail to Rep. Neugebauer and Senators Cornyn & Cruz (TX):
Dear Rep Neugebauer & Senators. Cornyn & Cruz,
    This morning on TV, I heard Rep. Johnson of Ohio say that Pres. Assad of Syria needs to go!
    Who suddenly left Rep. Johnson or even the US in charge of world government, such that they can choose the leaders of any country? i may not like Assad personally and abhor some of the things he does, but he is the chosen leader of the Syrian people and no American has any right to try to force his ouster.
    The Syrian civil war started 2 years ago, when an insurgent group tried to take over the government. It seems to be unknown concerning the basis for the insurgent group's action, other than it wanted to obtain the power of government. The Assad regime naturally objected on the presumption that it must have been doing something right for the previous 10 years. Note that it is an internal problem having nothing to do with the US and in no way subjecting the American people to danger.

    I hear also on TV that Pres Obama will hold a closed meeting with Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, two well-known war mongers..

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