Saturday, September 7, 2013


Open E-Mail to Senator Cruz (TX):
Dear Senator Cruz:
    Thank you for your form letter on immigration.
    In that letter, you said we have a proud history of welcoming immigrants from around the world seeking freedom and prosperity.
    However until recently, we have previously handled immigration in a controlled manner to ascertain that newly admitted immigrants are of the caliber which will contribute to the progress of the US. With recent and current lack of border control, we have lost that opportunity for betterment of our population. While some illegal immigrants have likely come seeking freedom and prosperity, we know that a large number have come for the free goodies of an apparently unreasonably benevolent federal government.
     The recent Senate Immigration bill did not address that problem. You say that you offered several amendments, which would correct the bill, but they were rejected. Therefore, you were forced to vote against the bill in its original form. I congratulate you for your perceptiveness in recognizing fallacy and your attempts to do something about it.
    Fortunately, people are smart enough to recognize that there is quality in people, as well as in manufactured products. Even many illegal immigrants will recognize that the wagon will not move if it is loaded with sitters and there are too few pushers.
    At this stage of our economic development, a large percentage of the voters appear to believe that being a rider is only a temporary condition and that with help from others (government), the riders will soon become pushers. This is an ideological position that has existed from before the time of Karl Marx and has been found wanting in many now destitute countries.
    Perhaps in time a larger proportion of the American public, who are now Democrats/Socialists/Communists, will come to realize that their position is contrary to human nature as made inherent in man by God.
    Meanwhile, please do what you can for continued development of our country. Let the laggards fall by the wayside and take the minimal sustenance benefits our compassion will provide, until such time as they achieve motivation and rise up to join the wagon pushers.


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