Dear Rep. Neugebauer,
This email concerns funding the government by both the House and the Senate passing a Continuing Resolution.
The house has already passed its portion, which includes defunding Obamacare.
The Washington Times says the Senate will likely vote Friday to cut off debate, will approve an amendment that would restore funding to Obamacare, pass the bill and then send it back to the House.
This is not exactly correct. As you know, whenever there is a difference between the House and Senate versions of a bill, the two branches meet to resolve the difference.
In this case, the question will be whether the House and Senate will uniformly pass the bill with or without the Obamacare defunding provision. Either the Senate can change its position and agree to the defunding, or the House can change its position and remove the defunding provision.
I strongly urge you and other members of the House to maintain a strong position on including Obamacare defunding in the Continuing Resolution. Leave it up to the Senate to change his position, and if it will not do so, let the chips fall where they may.
However compromise to defeat has been the essence of the Republican Party operation for a number of years, and I am sure that there are many Republicans in the House, who will either cave on the defund provision or perhaps go for a compromise. The compromise could be to review repeal of the Obamacare law after the 2014 election and again, if necessary, after the 2016 election. In addition, the Continuing Resolution should contain a provision to reduce government spending by at least 10% per year, on top of the sequester already in place.
I will look to see how you individually perform in this action.
There are a couple of political winning issues for Republicans in the Obamacare discussion. The first is extending the individual mandate to match the corporate mandate. The second is eliminating the arbitrary carve out for members of Congress and their staffs that exempts them from Obamacare. Defunding Obamacare is a political loser, and this has already been shown. You might wish to recommend a more constructive approach to your members of Congress