Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rep.Neugebauer (Texas) on Military/ Housing Funding and Fracking

Open email to Rep. Neugebauer (Texas):

Dear Rep. Neugebauer,
    I have read your newsletter and have the following comments:    
Military    The proposed bill includes $512 billion in non-war defense funding and $85 billion for war funding.
    Too much! Too much!
    By the Constitution, the federal government is charged with the responsibility of protecting citizens from invasion by foreign forces. If there is an invasion, that is war. Since we have no invasion, we don't need to spend $85 billion on wars for nation building.
    More than a half billion dollars for standing defense involving personnel and equipment is ridiculous. With the development of technology, including drones, atomic weapons, and other miscellaneous advances, we don't need a large force of soldiers, sailors, marines, and flyers. That personnel is needed for occupation of a foreign country, or our defense on invasion. Since neither of those is applicable at present, cut those personnel to basic containment levels, with the option of increase through volunteering or drafting, as may be subsequently required to repel an invading force.

Housing    My position on this is simple and clear. Get out of the housing business! Shut down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and forget the idea of trying to get people into housing that they can't afford. We have a well-established market for housing and financing thereof, and we don't need the federal government's meddling.

Fracking    I agree completely with your position on use of this technology to increase production of oil and natural gas. There has been enough environmental study to show that it it does not cause environmental problems. If anything later develops, we can handle it at that time. Meanwhile, we need you to fight the Administration in its efforts to reduce production of carbon containing fuels, which we sorely need at low cost.

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