Thursday, March 12, 2015

US/Iran War

  Democratic/Socialistic Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has developed another ridiculous position!
He has commented on the nuclear weapon proliferation talks that have been going on between Iran and the US for two years. He poses the question, "What if these talks collapse?" An excellent question, because with no progress in two years, it is fairly clear that there will be no agreement or if there is an agreement, it will be completely favorable to Iran's development of a nuclear weapon.
Iranians are deceptive by nature, but I am willing to take them at their word on one point, which is they will wipe out the country of Israel and its population. It is also clear that they will likely use atomic weapon capability to develop a preeminent position in the Middle East. In so doing, they will also be indirectly encouraging all the other Middle Eastern countries to achieve atomic weapon capability. With that proliferation, not only is it likely that the Middle East will be blown the kingdom come, but there is an excellent chance that the US will see at least a couple of atomic blasts in its homeland.
So what does Bernie expect to do about it? He says, "What if the talks collapse? “I think these guys [Republicans] will be hot to trot for a war, and that frightens me very much,” Bernie told the Rev. Al Sharpton.
I hope Bernie is right on his thought that the Republicans will be hot to trot on a new war with Iran. That disturbs me also, but I'd rather have it now, as opposed to the earlier scenario of Middle East atomic weapon proliferation.

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