Saturday, March 28, 2015

Good Progress in the Republican Senate

Open Email to Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:

Dear Sen. McConnell,
Congratulations on the wonderful job you are doing as Senate Majority Leader! Devil Harry Reid is behind us. He has done tremendous damage, but we look to you to recover as much as possible.
I am obtaining my information on your activities from the Washington Times. I am particularly favorably impressed with your procedural system of allowing open discussion on all bills and amendments with the aspect of voting on each amendment, so that it is clear who remains in the Senate as Harry reads Associates. We want to watch out particularly for Charles Schumer. He is the new danger in opposing regain of US economic capability, decrease of government red tape, and leadership in the world.
The Washington Times says you have passed a blueprint Friday morning to govern spending and provide a path for repealing Obamacare. This includes reining in the Common Core education standards, banning the government from assessing a carbon tax and preparing new sanctions against Iran should that nation violate a future nuclear arms deal.
I would like to comment on each of the latter three.
As it exists, local school boards are forced to accept Common Core Education Standards in order to continue receiving federal subsidies of taxpayer money. The difficulty with this is that the federal government has no special capability of what is an appropriate education and should not be forcing that onto local school boards using taxpayer money as a selling point. There should be no subsidies to local school boards. Local school boards should pay for their own operations through local taxes, which usually involve real estate taxes. I abhor this process, because it smacks of socialism wherein many people without personal interest in a school program are forced to pay for it. What we need is not only elimination of education subsidies but elimination also of the Department of Education, which I have been preaching on for several years.
The carbon tax is even worse. It is downright fraud. There is no connection between any of the claims of disastrous climate change with respect to the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, etc.. What more can I say? Hoodwinking the American public to pay for an imaginary danger is not only downright dishonest, it is immoral as well. From a technical standpoint is also unconstitutional, since climate control is not one of the 17 points which were specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution.
Finally I have just written separately on the negotiations of the State Department with Iran concerning continuing production of fissionable uranium 235, which is essential for use in an atomic bomb. Latest report is that the State Department is considering allowing the use of these centrifuges for the separation techniques for the collection of U-235 as the bomb raw material, which is absolutely ridiculous. The State Department should advise Iran that they must completely shut down operation of the centrifuges, and melt them down into raw material steel for reuse in construction of bridges buildings, etc. if in subsequent satellite surveillance and other more conventional surveillance techniques it is learned that the centrifuges continue to operate, we should rapidly bomb them out of existence.

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