Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nauseating Farm Bill Addendum II

I have previously written that the $1 trillion Farm bill passed by the House and on its way through the Senate and President is nauseating, because it is a prime case of pork to special interest groups, and has no advantage for nonfarmers, who will be footing the bill.
A political advisor, who apparently agrees with my position that the bill is nauseous, has a different reason, as follows:

"The majority of this farm bill is directed not to farmers. Most of the funding is directed to food stamp programs. These programs feed the people who aren't pulling the wagon. As we invest more into them we need to expect more of them. 
I don't want anyone to go hungry, but I do want Americans to hunger for a better life. Food stamps should only buy beans and rice. If you want more in your for it. The greatest charity work that can be done for humans is to allow them to earn an honorable living. Any handout, unearned benefit or free food leads freemen into bondage. 
If the GOP wanted to promote freedom and permit prosperity to grow, they would abolish, defund, and eliminate these programs. They however, like the Democrats, want the power, power over the people, that this kind of program provides."

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