Thursday, December 18, 2014

Russian Submarine Drones

The Washington Times reports, "Cold War comeback: U.S.-Russia locked in high-stakes submarine drone race".
Most people are familiar with the traditional drone, which is basically a small unmanned airplane controlled electronically usually from a ground source. The air drone has the capability of surveillance and attack with explosive weapons.
Presumably, a submarine drone, does the same thing underwater. It is likely controlled from a submarine or possibly other locations.
The key point is that there is likely no high-stakes submarine drone race with the Russians. While the Russians may have been working on a submarine drone, Pres. Reagan previously proved that Russia could be disabled in its militaristic goals by forcing it to overspend on military operations. In the present case, Russian overspending does not come from competitive spending with the US. Instead, we have OPEC to thank for basically driving Russia out of the oil business, which was the major source of their foreign-exchange. With insufficient foreign-exchange, a country cannot purchase items from other countries, such as machine tools from Germany.
Let's not worry about Russian submarine drones. The country is already on the financial ropes.

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