Saturday, December 6, 2014

Lawbreaking in Black Communities

Hillary Clinton says that police officers are more apt to stop and interrogate black persons than white persons. This is true. In making her statement, Hillary is implying that there is racial discrimination. If she is implying this, it is untrue. Fact is that more black persons than white persons have broken laws and are candidates for interrogation.
This could be easily resolved by the black community acknowledging that this is a country of laws and that black people should not break laws anymore than white people. If black people have grievances, there are other means of resolution rather than resorting to violence, which in many cases involves destruction of property or stealing of same. Positive programs are becoming involved in law enforcement groups, such as police officers or higher levels such as district attorneys or prosecutors. Black activities should never involve rabble rousing, which is only a recipe for lawbreaking

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