Friday, October 10, 2014

US Traitors

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today asked for unanimous consent on his bill, the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014, that would strip Americans who join ISIS of their citizenship.
ISIS is an organization of murderous adherents to a violent medieval ideology. The targets for murder are average American citizens.
A traitor is a person who betrays his country. Some synonyms are: defector, deserter, and informer. Any US citizen who has joined ISIS has done so with the intention of doing harm to the United States and is therefore a traitor. It was apparently Sen. Cruz's intent to deprive such traitors not only of the benefits of US citizenship, but also of their ability to do US harm by parading as legitimate citizens.
Sen. Cruz's Bill got nowhere in the Senate because of opposition by the Democratic majority. It seems clear that the Senate Democrats have intention of protecting such traitors, which allows them to continue to operate against the interests of the United States. With the protection afforded to such traitors, it is also clear that Senate Democrats are complicit in attempts to destroy the United States through application of Muslim ideology specifically intended to murder US citizens.
There have been previous instances of individual prosecution of traitors, but nothing on the scale we see with the number of US citizens joining ISIS and the number of US Senate Democrats and others within the government and the population at large, with the same Muslim ideology.
I have separately written about the culture of violence in the black and poor communities, with no clear understanding of what to do about it because of the large number of lawbreakers. I see a similar situation with Democrats in the Senate, other public officials and the public at large, who are traitorous in their thoughts and actions. There are now so many of them, it is impossible to conceive of a program for correction. In this latter case, education does not seem to be an answer, because these people are in many cases already well-educated. Is it possible to change them through a mind control program somewhat similar to what was used in denaziflying the Germans after World War II?

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