Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hillary Clinton and Job Creation

The Washington Times quotes Hillary Clinton as saying, "Not to listen to any anybody who tells you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” She didn't say who does create jobs but the implication is that it is government.
I don't deny that government creates jobs. I have a relative that works for the federal government. Since he draws a paycheck, he has a job and presumably that job have been created by the people who hired him, namely government. In fact, many of us claim that government has created too many jobs and should be strongly cut back.
When I was 14 years old, I got a job work working with my Uncle Bill in the afternoons after the school. Uncle Bill was in the window shade business. Since he paid me, I thought I had a job. He probably thought so too, since my wages were a cost to his business. Since he was the one who hired me, I think we can safely say he created the job. If he did not hire me or anybody else, no job would have been created.
When I was in college, my father got me a job working in a bank at Franklin Square during the summers, when I was not in college. The bank paid me, so in normal terms one could consider that was a job. If the bank had not hired me, no job would have been created. I suppose one could go all the way back to the Constitution, which established that the federal government should develop a monetary system and that subsequently led to all banking, but such thinking is really far-fetched with respect to normal considerations of job creation and payrolls. Such a thought is unworthy of even such a knucklehead as Hillary Clinton.
During World War II I was drafted into the Army. In this case, I agree completely that the government created a job for which it paid me $14 a month. Hillary is on target with this one. Government forced me to work for it.
After the war and graduate school, I got a job with the Rohm & Haas company, a chemical manufacturer. They paid me, so I considered it was a job and the company probably thought so too. The company had the option of not hiring me or anyone else, in which case no job have been created. Therefore, I considered, that the Rohm & Haas company created a job for me. Government did not put the Rohm & Haas company in the chemical business, so I believe I can safely say that government was not involved, other than to take taxes on profits the company made.
All in all, would you like Hillary Clinton to be your next president, with the apparently obtuse thinking that she has?

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