Monday, August 11, 2014

Sen. Coons and Corporate Taxes

Sen. Chris Coons was on Fox News Sunday discussing corporate taxes.
He said he has a problem with the corporate Tax Code that allows American companies to reincorporate overseas and avoid paying taxes. Business Roundtable President John Engler supports Sen. Coons' position.
What Sen. Coons is talking about is the trend of major corporations to move their headquarters from the US to another country. The object of transferring basic residence is to reduce corporate taxes. It would not be possible to eliminate corporate taxes contrary to what Sen. Coons implies. The average corporate tax rate for the US is 35%. The average corporate tax rate for all of the countries of the world is 20%.
Sen. Coons goes on to say that the corporate moves to reduce taxes is un-American. "They are not following their duty as Americans, as folks to contribute to carrying their costs of the burdens of our country."
Baloney! First of all, the "burdens of our country" are arbitrarily shouldered by taxpayers from an irresponsible freespending Congress with the Democrats, such as Sen. Coons, being most irresponsible. Presumably, Sen. Coons wants corporations to kick in more money to the IRS, so that he and his Democratic associates will have more to fritter away, including buying votes.
Secondly, and I have discussed this previously, international corporations do business throughout the world. They have responsibility to customers and stockholders in every country where the products are sold and stockholders exist. That should be reason enough not to pay higher taxes in the US for some kind of unrealistic allegiance.
To get on to the specifics, I am a minor stockholder in various corporations that do international business. My corporations pay corporate taxes, whether 35% US or 20% foreign, which is the first bite of the apple. This reduces availability of profit to pay me dividends, on which the IRS will take the second bite of the apple. Double taxation is unjust. It is equivalent to double jeopardy in a court of law.
I am a citizen of the US and reluctantly pay taxes on my corporate dividends, but when those dividends are significantly reduced by the IRS having taken the first bite of the apple before it gets to me, I am significantly annoyed.
My word to Sen. Coons is, "Do not castigate my Corporation. Even if it pays corporate taxes overseas instead of to the IRS, you are still hitting me for taxation on dividends. If you want to maintain corporate tax revenue, in addition to taxing my dividends, get your corporate tax rate in line with the rest of the world. It will still be a bad deal for us stockholders, who have retirement incomes from 401(k)s and various pension funds".

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