Thursday, July 10, 2014

Private Versus Government Largess

One of our Political Associates recently reported that a week ago, Abilene Christian University received the largest donation in its history.  Three donors pledged $75 million for new construction on the campus.  New science buildings and stadiums will be in the plans for the university.  Also, renovation will be done to the Bennett Auditorium which was built in 1929 with funds from L.P. Bennett of Denver City.
This information is especially interesting in light of Pres. Obama's obvious program of changing the financial structure of the US from private enterprise to that of complete government control.
The Obama administration continues to hand out billions of dollars to universities under the guise of objective research and development projects, but in fact those grants are tainted with the unspecified implication that the recipients must come up with research project answers, which are favorable to a government promoted program. For example, a university professor recipient of a grant on global warming, must come up with a research results which confirms that deleterious climate change is caused by man-made global warming. No further grants to a professor would be considered, if his research results showed that there was any question about the assumed relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global warming.
Conversely, the record shows that donations to universities by private individuals are almost universally altruistic based on philanthropic considerations, which have no political agenda. It is only on the basis of this private largess that one could hope to present to our young people the opportunity for a fully rounded education, as opposed to leftist or other political programs being promoted by government.
Hooray for the private donors! May they hopefully continue to exist with the present government apparently dedicated to their destruction!

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