Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Outrageous Government Inefficiency

The Washington Times reports that the Commerce Department's Inspector General found the US Patent and Trademark Office paid $5 million in salaries to paralegals who had no work to do and spent their work time time shopping, watching TV, walking dogs, etc. They also receive bonuses.
Not only is this typical for US government operations, but it is egregious, when the US Patent and Trademark Office management claims the issuance of patents and trademarks is slow because they have too much work to do.
We need a US Patent and Trademark Office and it should be fixed. However, there are other government operations which could easily be passed to the private sector, such as health care for veterans. Don't hire additional doctors, as they are now considering, rather sell off the hospitals and give veterans free healthcare cards for use in private and public health care facilities.

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