Monday, June 16, 2014

US Program for Iraq

The Washington Times has three stories on recent events in Iraq. They are:
1. Caught off guard by al Qaeda uprising, Obama considers more aid to Iraq in fight against jihadis
2. Obama: No combat troops in Iraq
3. Obama considers more aid to Iraq after stunning militant attacks
I have one simple suggestion, which he has apparently not considered; GET OUT. Use the playbook from Vietnam. Close the Embassy and fly all American employees of the Embassy, Consulates, and any other operations, including US troops, out as fast as you can.
We upset the balance of power when we invaded Iraq and killed Saddam Hussein. The resulting turmoil could have been easily anticipated, but what has been done is done. We have no basis to choose between Shiites and Sunnis. If we do anything militarily, it would be only on a temporary basis. The internal fighting will again start as soon as possible, and also we must remember that there is absolutely no possibility that we could democratize the Middle East from a base in Iraq.
We have also goofed up Syria by tipping off insurgent groups that we would support them in any attempted coup against Pres. Assad.
Our meddling in the Middle East has created long-term grievances against the US. These will be the basis of terrorist operations against the US after the region re-stabilizes itself into some kind of order.
We have done tremendous damage already. Do we want to do more by supplying military assistance to one side or the other?

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