Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pakistani/US Negotiations

I previously noted from the Washington Times that a top Pakistani official had come to the US to cement relations with the Pentagon.
I took a cynical attitude in suggesting that the only reason the Pakistani came was to bolster the probability of continuing to receive his $1 billion per year from us.. I also said a favorable aspect might be that we might negotiate some sort of control on anti-US terrorist activities in Pakistan in return for our $1 billion. My further cynicism was that we would probably lose out in any negotiation of that type.
One of our Political Associates commented on my statements as follows: “You are so right about the Pakistanis ability to out-negotiate the Americans!  In most cases, the negotiators who are on the American side are extreme liberals who believe that it is our duty and their goal to pour out our treasure (not to mention our future) to anyone who asks for it.  It would be considered flying in the face of everything they stand for if our American "values" were ever brought to the table as a standard for receiving our money.  To the liberals this would be considered immoral.  The Pakistani negotiators, however, have their own set of morals.  Morality to them means to get whatever they can of ours, using any method of deceit that may be necessary.”

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