Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Congressional Representatives Must Sway Their Associates to Develop Proper Government

Open letter to Rep. Neugebauer:

Dear Randy,

I very much appreciate your letter directed to me, even though it was a form letter.

You have again explained your position on overspending by the federal government, the need for government to listen to the people, and your voting record on various spending bills.

Your government philosophy is very similar to mine, which I have expressed to you many times. However, we have a fundamental difference, which go beyond voting. In each election, I vote for the candidate of my choice. On each bill, you vote approval or disapproval.

After that, the similarity disappears. Prior to my casting a vote, I spend considerable effort in trying to influence the voting public to cast candidate votes similar to mine. Conversely, I have the impression that while you vote on a particular bill either up or down, you make no reasonable attempt to convince your associates to cast their up or down votes in the same direction you do.

Therefore I consider you a passive representative. This is not personal condemnation. It is merely a matter of how I think you are not doing your job. Perhaps you may want to reconsider how you can become more active, not in your attempts at reelection, but in your efforts to sway your associates to develop and run proper government.

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