Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nuclear Weapons Threat

Open letter to Congress:

EIN News says, "Nuclear Security Framework 'In Tatters,' Outgoing Atomic Energy Agency Chief ElBaradei Says. The nuclear nonproliferation regime is failing in its aim to prevent the spread of devastating weapons around the world, the International Atomic Energy Agency's outgoing chief yesterday. (".

This is one man's opinion, but he was in the best position to have obtained information on which to make the statement, and it is probably correct. At least it is consistent with the historical spread of technology. Almost all countries have automobiles, telephones, computers, etc. One can only delay the spread of technology. In the final analysis, everyone gets it.

There are two things we can do about the nuclear weapon spread. The first is to develop a workable "Star Wars system", so that we can intercept and destroy any incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying atomic warheads before they reach US soil.

However, we would still be vulnerable to overseas or overland delivery and detonation of an atomic weapon. The only reasonable protection we would have for overseas delivery is to develop a procedure whereby all ships are inspected before they leave foreign ports or when on the high seas. Similarly all conveyances would need to be inspected at US borders between Canada/US and Mexico/US

The more diligently we apply ourselves to these protection procedures, the greater success we are likely to have. We cannot control holdings of fissionable material in the hands of Russia and China. Our political/financial strength is insufficient and decreases every day. From another point of view, that could be good, since there will be less incentive to blow up a "poor" United States. The only probable deterrent for China and Russia would be our retaliation, which continues the MAD philosophy of mutual destruction.

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