Friday, November 21, 2014


By executive order, Pres. Obama has just given amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Entry into the United States by avoiding immigration regulations is a misdemeanor.
Pres. Obama justifies his amnesty by saying that these people will now pay taxes. Stuart Varney later came on TV and disputed whether there would be any significant tax gain from the program. Both of them are dodging the real issue.
We have been a country of laws, which has made us different from many countries of the world. Being a country of laws means that there are laws against certain societal actions; for example bank robbery, child molestation, illegal immigration, etc. To be a country of laws, enforcement of the laws is also necessary. For this, we have a federal Justice Department and state and local police. These people have the responsibility of bringing lawbreakers to various judges for application of penalties, such as imprisonment or fine.
When amnesty is granted to millions of lawbreakers, we are no longer a country of laws. If we try to justify the amnesty by the fact that the lawbreakers will now pay taxes, are we not saying that if you break a law in the US you can buy your way out of the penalty?

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