Saturday, September 13, 2014

Illegal Immigrants

There are an estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. An illegal immigrant is a person who has bypassed US immigration laws by sneaking across the border, under border fences, or overstaying visas. Present US law requires that when located, illegal immigrants must be deported to their home countries. At the present rate of deportation, that means about 60,000 illegals will be deported in the next month and a half, before the November elections. While that sounds like a lot, it is estimated that any illegal immigrant has only a 1% chance of being deported during that period.
Pres. Obama has a stated long-term objective of creating amnesty for all 12.5 million illegal immigrants plus anymore that may come in the future. There are various possible reasons for the President to want to do this, but the most obvious one is to obtain from these presently illegal immigrants a stronger Democratic voting base. To create this amnesty, the President either has to change the law or take executive dictatorial action. It should be noted that "amnesty" means forgiveness for breaking a previous law. For example, if a murderer stands trial and is convicted and subsequently pardoned by the President, that is amnesty. In the same category if the President is ultimately satisfactory in his immigration program, all 12.5 billion illegal immigrants will be pardoned and have full rights as American citizens, including voting rights and economic benefits.
With that background, the question is asked why the president has recently decided not to use executive dictatorial action to postpone the deportations. The answer is longer-term politics.
In the forthcoming elections, Republicans will be concentrating strongly on obtaining control of the Senate, which is now under control of the Democrats. Any executive action on postponing deportations has been judged by the President as being a negative factor in reelecting Democrats to the Senate and thereby retaining control. In other words, he is making a short-term sacrifice on deportation over the next month and a half in order to improve Democratic chances of maintaining control of the Senate. Such control of the Senate is key to the development of his more comprehensive amnesty program.
Granting amnesty to murderers or illegal immigrants is wrong. These people are lawbreakers and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law as it exists. The US has been a country based upon law and the prosecution of lawbreakers, with subsequent penalties of fine or jail. Over the term of Pres. Obama's Administration and with Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, this has been significantly weakened. It is up to the Republicans to try to swing this country back toward the constitutional republic on which it was founded. Pres. Obama is pushing to maintain Democratic control of the Senate. Republicans must push harder to be able to convert the Senate to a Republican majority. Pres. Obama will still be a Democratic Marxist president for the next two years, but with both the House of Representatives and the Senate in Republican hands, he will have a much more difficult time exercising executive dictatorial powers.

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