Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sen. Cruz (TX) on School Patriotism and Iranian Captive

Open Email to Sen. Cruz (TX):

Dear Sen. Cruz,
I have read your form letter on immigration reform.
You say we are a proud nation of immigrants, and we are a nation of laws.
All that is fine in the theoretical. The fact remains that Democrats are using the immigration system to retain power. The thought is that immigrants crossing the southern border will in many cases have an opportunity to vote and it will usually be Democratic. Therefore, we will continue to have resistance in the Democratic Party to actually enforce current immigration laws, which had been effective for many years, but more recently not enforced.
The existence of the present immigration laws for some years and the non-enforcement thereof has led to several thousand potential Democrat votes and the Democrat Party is not about to give that up.
The only option I can see is to impeach the President for not enforcing the law, as he is required by the Constitution. However, you are not likely to get anywhere with that either, because of the high preponderance of Democrats in the Congress.
You can continue to fight for "immigration reform", but I don't think you will get anywhere, until there is a dominant Republican position in the Congress.

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