Friday, April 26, 2013

EPA - Follow the Money

Congress originally set up the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA, similar to all agencies of the Federal Government, is operated by the Administration, which is basically Pres. Obama.
The intention of Congress was apparently to control environmental pollution by industry to the benefit of the American public. While this is a notable objective, the process, with the EPA as with most agencies, has gotten out of control, and is basically a political football. Since the Director of the EPA reports to Pres. Obama, it is obvious that the policies and practice of the EPA will conform to the dictates of Pres. Obama.
President Obama has also had considerable financial support from environmental organizations, which have been hijacked by socialist/communistic influences.
With that background, it is apparent that the EPA, with unlimited power and obligated to pursue the ideologies of the President, will essentially over-control in most instances. The EPA has passed thousands of regulations, some of which are advantageous to the American public, but most of which are inhibitory to the development of business interests.
In order to maintain a legitimate operation of the EPA, Congress later set up for it a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to broadly advises the EPA on scientific and technical matters. It is here where we need to concentrate on "follow the money".
Members of the SAB are appointed by the EPA and those appointments almost invariably include university professors who receive substantial monetary grants either directly from the EPA or other federal agencies. It is apparent that because of this tie-in, the SAB members will almost invariably comply with any suggestion made by the EPA itself. If the EPA says to the board, "stoop", they will stoop.
It is said that this is not necessarily so, because the SAB board members do not receive directly any financial aid from the EPA. While that is true, consider the fact that the EPA makes grants to universities who employ the professors. The professors obviously know where their bread is buttered, with respect to their advancement and facilities made available to them by the universities.
I have advocated for some time more strict controls of EPA operations by Congress, and the above information supports my claim. The EPA is using the SAB is a charade to augment its power and impose unnecessary regulations as dictated by the President. It is up to Congress to investigate this matter and take corrective action. (Ref. C&E News 4/1/13)

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