Wednesday, November 21, 2012

US Opportunity to Study Missile Interception in Israel

I strongly regret not having recognized a tremendous opportunity, but hopefully our military has been more alert.

For the past week, Hamas missiles have been raining down on Israel. What a tremendous opportunity for the US military to study its ability to intercept missiles! If this R&D work were done in the United States, we would first have to manufacture and subsequently destroy missiles at some great cost. There in the Middle East, we would have free access to any number of targets.

From this aspect it is unfortunate that there has been a cease-fire today, but that may be short-lived, as our most agreements in the Middle East. At least, if our military has not been doing R&D on missiles in the Middle East, now is the time to set it up with Israel and get our gear in position. There is little doubt that a missile rain in the Middle East will come again, and we should be ready.

Why is this important to the US, other than helping our friends, the Israelis?

Korea has nuclear capability and Iran is developing the same. Iran and Korea are also developing missile capability to deliver warheads to the United States. It is only a matter of time before they are able to accomplish this. 

President Reagan started development of an antimissile capability through his Star Wars program. Subsequent developments by the military have not been much in the news concerning effectiveness, but occasionally we have heard that a trial interception was only partially successful.

With the potential destruction of a thermonuclear warhead on the United States, this continues to be of utmost importance. Every effort should be made to develop complete US antimissile capability.

When we were dealing with the Russians during the Cold War, the protective philosophy was that one side or the other would not be provocative, since it would then lead to everybody's destruction. It was termed Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD. However, let us remember that Oriental and Middle East mentality is not the same as Russian mentality. Middle Easterners are much less afraid of death, as they are welcomed into the arms of Allah

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