Monday, April 23, 2012

Saving Our Nation

You may be a believer in economic opportunity versus government handouts, but millions of people have been indoctrinated by the federal government to believe in a government handout philosophy, as their best chance for economic success.

Our society is already embarked on a downward economic spiral and the death blow will be dealt in November, if the majority of voters believe in government handouts.

If you want the US to pull out of its disastrous decline and rebuild economic stability for all of its citizens, you have the responsibility to convert handout believers to opportunity believers before the November election.

Remember that Obama was elected under a program of "hope and change". This is a strong motivator and can be used again. People do not sit and dream about how they can spend more time in front of the TV. They dream about how they can be wealthy enough to own a boat, RV, take a cruise, or send their kids to college.

The sales program for the November elections must tap into those dreams for that portion of voters who are presently in the low income bracket. We know that this constitutes approximately half of all federal income tax payers.

Much present political TV programming is based upon items which appeal to middle income taxpayers. The sales points of the TV ads include reference to the candidate's educational background, previous experience in public office, traditional family values, church affiliations, etc. The non-taxpaying voters have no interest in these items, other than perhaps to be jealous of the candidate for his success.

We need a complete change in the nature of political TV programming to appeal to the non-taxpaying public. One of the political slogans of the past was "two chickens in every pot". Notice the simplicity and the universality. All people eat, and it is also a promise of wealth. It was applicable to a time in our history when hunger was rampant. This is no longer true, but the concept is still viable. Sell opportunity on the basis of what it can do for individuals. Start your own business and move up to the big time like George Jefferson, the black dry cleaner in an old TV series. Work for some other rich guy in a business where you will be paid a good salary and can buy yourself a boat or an RV. Government handouts will always keep you poor. Opportunity will allow you to use your genius and capabilities to become as rich as you would like.

Many of you just donate money to political action groups and assume that it will be properly spent. This is a copout. When you lay out money, you have the right and obligation to put limitations on how it is spent. Demand that we must deviate from standard political ads to ads that are directed to the so-called "impoverished", such that the impoverished will be convinced that their greatest advantage lies in opportunity rather than government handouts and will vote accordingly in the November election.

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