Monday, June 27, 2011

Open Letter to Rep. Randy Neugebauer


I read your latest newsletter.

You say the President has remained remarkably detached from the overwhelming financial crisis we have in this government. You summarize it by saying, "Higher taxes, more government and an anti-business attitude seem to be the underlying foundation of this Presidency." That is mostly true, but you need to change the words "seem to" to "are". He has made that perfectly clear. The reason for his detachment is that things are working well on his schedule. He has essentially a unilateral interest in only one thing, which is to be reelected. There are enough "gimme" voters to likely guarantee that result, providing he doesn't say the wrong thing to shake them up. His best approach is to keep speaking in generalities, as he continues to raise money for his 2012 campaign. Your best approach is to discontinue telling us things about Obama that we already know and take a more positive action to counteract the problems being created by his administration.

Occasionally even Pres. Obama will do something right. Removal of 33,000 troops from Afghanistan can only be bettered by removing all troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else. We are not in the business of nation building, nor are we out to obtain spoils of war. Ron Paul calls all of our international actions those of Empire. He's right. We can't afford an empire, because we don't know how to handle one. Our presence in Afghanistan does not in any way defend us.

You are giving the Gary Avenue post office too much attention. Kiss Chris Davis' relatives and let's get on with the important business of the nation.

You are apparently giving the Libyan conflict more than lip service. Even a very limited use of American funds to support a military conflict there is unbelievable. We have no business there. We should not be funding anything. We don't need to support our European buddies in any economic conflicts, which in this case apparently involves Libyan oil.

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