Monday, April 4, 2011

Get $100 Billion in Budget Cuts or Shut down the Government

Open letter to representative Randy Neugebaue(R Texas):


I just read your latest newsletter.

I believe you and Rep. Boehner are not looking at the required budget cuts in government shutdown correctly. If the Democrats do not agree to $100 billion budget reduction, Republicans should attempt to shut down the government. Granted, a government shutdown is not desirable but caving in to a low budget reduction is even more undesirable.

The positive aspect of a government shutdown is that it automatically reduces expenses. Private contractors will no longer supply Hawk missiles, which will reduce expenses on a stupid non-war. With the Military lacking funds, they will also be more reluctant to continue wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There will be a moratorium on Social Security and other dependent benefit payments, which will upset a segment of the general public. However, the Republican response on that would be, "We don't have the money to do everything. If Democrats reduce waste expenditures, we will have enough money to pay you".

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