Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Voter Distractions

     Here's another essay from anonymous CJ on attempts by the Obama administration to have the voting public ignore previous four-year failures for the fourth-coming November election.
    "Most presidents running for reelection prefer to run on their accomplishments in office.  In the case of Obama, the opposite is true.  His campaign keeps trying to distract and avoid discussion of his record.  This is understandable given the unpopularity of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and the massive "stimulus" which was a colossal failure.  These were his "achievements".  We could list other failures.

As a result, we are watching a campaign of distractions.  One of the constant distractions is Gov. Romney's income tax filings. We are told that all candidates release at least ten years of records.  That is simply not true.  John McCain released only two years of tax records as have others. We are reminded that George Romney released ten years of his records during his failed campaign for the Republican presidential nomination many years ago.  Somehow that means that his son should do the same. So what?  Now Obama has offered Gov. Romney a "deal": you only need to release five years of records.  Do you smell a red herring?  You certainly should.


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