Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Balancing the Federal Budget

The following e-mail on balancing the federal budget came to me,, and I passed it on to my associates:
                   "So why don't we balance the budget, you ask? Watch this video for a logical explanation.
If you want to understand the present conditions in Government and the Economy, you need to see this unbiased, neutral explanation. This 5 minute video breaks down just why we won't be able to fix our debt problems & the end result.  It only takes about 2 minutes to "get it", but you should watch it all.  It is very logical, well explained, and based strictly on facts.

I had one response as follows:
    "The YouTube presentation is semi helpful.
    The main answer is simple: just get the government out of the business of entitlements.
    Every individual can fix this problem, and that is where it needs to start.
    The problem started because WE continually vote people in to give us benefits from somebody else’s money. We de-personalized it by calling it “Federal” money, but it is simply somebody else’s money.
    If you personally have put money into the social security system, tough. You’re never going to get it back so let’s face up to the solution and move on.
    If you personally expect or want Medicare entitlements, tough. Letting the government “administer” our medical expenses is what got us into this problem, so let’s face up to the solution and move on.
    The more things and money we give to the government to fix things and solve problems, the worse the problem becomes.
    The more we expect the government’s “help”, the worse the problem becomes.
  1. Everybody who is “entitled” to payments such as Medicare and social security simply has to refuse to receive any more entitlement payments.
  2. Get the government out of the entitlement business because they can’t handle it (turn it into a corrupt slush fund) and it removes responsibility and incentive from individuals to be fiscally responsible.
This is my call to action."

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