Dear Sen. Cruz,
I have read your Newsletter and have the following comments:
Defunding Obamacare We appreciate your efforts to defund Obamacare, which would effectively neutralize it. Presumably, you plan to do this through voting against the funding continuance in late September. I hope you are able to get a number of your associates to side with you on this issue.
The US Economy It seems that you are appealing to the President to give up his health care program, which is anticipated to be destructive to the US economy, on top of the rather anemic performance to date. I have serious doubts that you will be successful in that endeavor. Pres. Obama has clearly indicated he is not interested in the US economy. He is interested in establishing worldwide socialism with transference to the United Nations, over which he will assume an Emperor position. I suggest you use a different strategy.
Texas Voting
US Atty. Gen. Holder is attacking the state of Texas on the issue of qualifying voters. The Atty. Gen. contends that he has the right to require Texas voting laws to be cleared by the federal government, specifically him. He will presumably take Texas to a federal court on this issue.
I don't know that you can do anything specific on this issue. It seems to me that Gov. Perry and his Administration will have to fight this in federal court.
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