Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sen. Cruz (Sen. Cruz (Texas) onLegalized Voting, Obamacare, and Presidential Appointments

Open email to Sen. Cruz (Texas):

Dear Sen. Cruz,
    I have read your Newsletter and have the following comments:

Legalized Voting    You said that the federal Motor Voter law -- the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 does not require persons to present concrete evidence of citizenship before they are allowed to register to vote. When the state of Arizona tried to establish such a provision for concrete evidence on voting, the Supreme Court struck it down, on the basis that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 was the controlling law.
    This leaves an opening for illegal immigrants to vote, and you are taking steps to fix the law. Good luck!. You will have the usual gang of Democrats to oppose your position. Those Democrats desire to have illegal immigrants engage in voting, because they anticipate that most of the illegals will vote Democratic.

    It is the law of the land; inappropriately foisted off on the American public by an ignorant Congress and a socialist President. Since its passage, both Congress and the public are starting to realize not only the inappropriateness of the law but the dire consequences of its application.
    With the Democratic Senate and a socialist President, the chances of having this law repealed are remote. However you and others have decided that you could make it ineffective, if you deny funding. I strongly encourage you to continue these efforts.

New Sec. of Labor
President Obama nominated Thomas Perez as Secretary of Labor. In an act of conciliation to Harry Reid's blackmail to remove filibustering as a Senator option, the Senate confirmed Thomas Perez. You voted against the confirmation, for which I thank you. You are obviously not responsible for the weasel attitude of the majority of the Senate, but it is apparent that you are doing your best to at least bring to its attention what it should be doing, if it had the basic interests of the country at heart. I hope you are successful in ultimately educating your Associates to properly perform the duties for which they have been elected.

Filling Judicial Vacancies 
    President Obama appoints federal judges to fill judicial vacancies. He decides on the basis of recommendations from his staff. With the present Democratic/Socialistic influence of the staff, Pres. Obama's judicial appointments are usually contradictory to the stability and development of the country.
    As I understand it, you and Sen. Cornyn have established a program of developing a set of candidates, which you will then offer to the President for his choice in subsequent judicial appointments. It seems less than an ideal system, but better than nothing. At least, you are trying to have some positive effect.

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