Now a decade and a half after these raids started the folks around Washington began to do some adding and subtracting and figured out that the Treasure Chest was indeed gone and that the system was in trouble. That the SS system had become a beloved crutch to the constituents and that if it stopped working…the members of Congress would be tarred and feathered, oh dear what to do??? Greenspan was considered the brightest bulb in the box and so Ronalda Maximus called on him to consider and fix the problem. In 1981 the National Commission on SS Reform was convened, the Chairman didn’t really like that title so soon the Commission was called the Greenspan Commission. They studied around, played lots of golf, and brought the boys in the potential tar and feather club (Congress) in and said things have to change around here. Congress was scared that Greenspan was referring to the annual raid and theft of SS funds, but he, to their great astonishment wasn’t. You see boys to keep SS solvent what you boys need to do is steal more, Greenspan said, and I got just the place and the plan. Where or where could that be?? Congress eagerly asked. It is simple Greenspan said, You TAX the SS beneficiaries. But Mr Greenspan, Congress said, we Promised that we would never ever ever do that… at which point Greenspan slapped them across the face and grabbed them by the ear and said Listen the choice is TAX or Tar and Feather!!! Got it, now go do it. So in 1983 Ronalda Maximus signed a law passed by Congress that began the taxation of the taxes already collected.
Now through the years the FDR’s retirement plan has grown a lot of other benefits. There is benefits to children, benefits to burial, benefits to benefits and so more and more people are riding on the SS boat and she is sinking fast. Obama bin Leaking decided in his wisdom that we should cut the income into SS by half (the employees portion) so we did that for a couple of years and the boat sank faster. Now the boat has to go very easy or something will go real bad and the Tar and Feather bunch will get mad. Bernanke, like his predecessor Greenspan, has a new plan. Congress can’t wait to hear it. Bernanke says I will print Trillions of $ out of thin air and buy your no good bonds. That way you will have money to pay the benefits owed. Congress didn’t really like that idea, that sounded kind of greasy and slimy to them, but they liked it better than tar and feathers. They said Mr Bernanke if we let you do that wouldn’t it be stealing from the people that had saved for their retirement, won’t CD and Bond rates go down or close to 0%?? Bernanke said well yes, but you boys won’t have to do anything, no laws, not taxes, no blood will be on your hands, just turn your sweet little heads and go play your little partisan games while I take care of it. So Bernanke is sure enough printing Trillions of $ and buying those bonds. Wouldn’t Bob Hope be so very proud?. Just for fun every few weeks Bernanke kind of nods like he is real sleepy and maybe he won’t be able to go down to the store and print more dollars that day and the markets get real nervous and shaky. Everyone holds their breath, then he grins and winks an eye and goes to printing again, at least he has so far. Immorality has to increase at exponential rates to keep this scheme floating, I can’t imagine what they will come up with next, I dread to see it. As more and more Americans begin to realize the extents of this Criminal Activity and what it is costing us and what it will ultimately do to our country, citizens are turning against citizen. Benefits are called welfare by younger generations that don’t understand the history. Benefactors just want what is justly theirs, but settle for a fraction of the investment made over their life. Sadly this will not end well and millions of Americans will be hurt.
So that is how a brief history of SS looks to a guy that digs holes in the Earth for a living. The seed that we planted has been eaten by the birds and there is no crop for the harvest. The measly amount that the scheme pays to it benefactors is disgraceful considering the investment made and the funds paid to the benefactors is stolen from generations not yet born. Congress would investigate a scheme that took so much and paid so little. To call this system a Ponzi Scheme is like calling JFK’s assassination a hunting accident. No it is not a Ponzi Scheme, its worse. A Ponzi scheme only lets those who want in the scheme to invest in the scheme. SS coerces us to all be a part of it, to suffer for it, and to bear the guilt of it. A scheme of such widespread, compulsory fraud is unprecedented in US history, and the most shameful of all of the Progressive schemes. Rationality and justice cry out that this atrocity be terminated – NOW!!
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