Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Professional Organizations Are Anti-American

    There is an organization known as the NOBCChE, which stands for National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers. Lauren Wolf of Chemical and Engineering News reported in the November 5 issue on an NOBCChE meeting held in Washington in September.
    I am very much opposed to the existence of this organization, because it is un-American.
    In the nature of living things, like tends to associate with like. Geese associate with geese in flocks. Similarly ducks. Antelopes associate with antelopes. Black people associate with black people. Hungarians associate with Hungarians, etc.. This happens because of some inate characteristics, which we do not fully understand. However, we have some inkling as to why this happens with respect to people.
    The mentality of people is twofold, with respect to associations. They like individuality and personal freedoms, while simultaneously enjoying the presence of belonging to a group. For this reason, we have black churches, Presbyterian churches, Sons of Italy, and Lions. Each of these groups has a commonality. It might be persons of similar skin color, persons with similar thought about how to worship God, persons of similar culture, and persons of similar altruism. We generally refer to these organizations as social organizations.
    However, the Constitution says we should not be discriminating against persons based upon race, sex, or national origin. The aforementioned groups have no connection with the government and therefore their existence is not in conflict with the concept of our Constitution. However, when we have a professional organization with members restricted to a single color and that organization is dedicated to promoting itself and its members through influence in the government, we have a completely undesirable situation. America is a country dedicated to opportunity for all. When there is a racial organization dedicated to promote the financial well-being of its members, we have a mixed, bag, which should not be tolerated.
    The American Chemical Society has previously promoted the economic well-being of its members, but the difference is that its members are a group of Americans of all sexes, ages, race, and national origin.
    This is not an America where blacks should be competing against whites, women against men, nor Catholics against Presbyterians. Economic competition through government largess discriminates against one group, if it favors another group. As previously said, It was obviously the intent of the Constitution framers to have opportunity for all.

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