Monday, July 30, 2012

A Favorable Development for Socialistic Operation

    There's a short article in the July 9 issue of Chemical & Engineering News entitled, "Members of Congress Back Open Access". What is this about?
    The Marxists in the federal government have a general program of supplying taxpayer funds through various federal government departments to individual researchers at various universities. Generally speaking, these research projects do not produce positive result, other than to fulfill the socialistic program of spending more money. However, occasionally something of significance is discovered.
    The question is who has the rights to the discovery. The previous implication was that the researcher or the university had rights, but fortunately Congress now seems to dispute that. "Open Access" means that the general public should have rights to the invention or discovery. The logic in this is that since the taxpayers paid for it it should be of benefit to the taxpayers. This is at least consistent with the general socialistic principle of benefits for all, and simultaneously seems to satisfy the capitalistic principle which says those that pay for something should have the benefits of its development.
    I do not agree that government should be supporting research of this general nature, but if it does, any benefit should obviously go to the taxpayer. Congress is correct in this aspect.

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