Dear Sen. Cornyn,
Thank you for your form letter on illegal immigrant children at the southern border.
Unfortunately, you are on the wrong track. You designate this as a humanitarian crisis, whereas it is simply an immigration crisis. As soon as you put it a "humanitarian" aspect on it, you unnecessary complicate the situation.
As I have said several times before, this is simply a matter of breaking immigration law. It has been said that the basic immigration law has been modified to allow humanitarian consideration, but any such modification is too obtuse to be practical. Who is to judge whether a situation is humanitarian or not?
As far as I am concerned, and I believe there are many people who support my position, the matter of humanitarianim has been totally abused. I am a person of some compassion, and I beleve that children are best provided for in the care of their parents. I will grant that not all parebts are able to demostare the combination of love and physical care to their children, for which we have Child Protetive Services for those minority cases.
However, when a multitude of Central Amereican parents send their children to the US as illigal immigrants, there is somehing basicly wrong with the attitudes of those parents. Some people will say that the parents are making this sacrifice of releasing their children from the parents love and care in order to give the children better opportnities for health, education and careerr development. Baloney! The fact is that the parents see an opportunity to remove themselves from responsibility without presumed disadsavantage to the children. This experiment was tried some years ago in Sweden. In that case, the Swedish government told parents that they no longer had the responsibilty of rasing their children, The Swedish government wiould do it for them. The parents were ecsatic, because they no longer had to deal with a bunch of rebellious teen agers. However, the results were disastrous. Child suicide and alcoholism ran rampant and the government had to give up its program, to the consternation of the parents.
Representatives and Senators, do you want to be party to deprive illegal immigrant children of their right to parental love and local living conditions? Let's remember that those Central American Parents have the responsibility of providing a better life for their children. If conditions in their countres need fixing, it is their responsibiliuty to fix them; not to dump off their children on the US taxpayer in a massive exercise of US Child Protective Services.
You have been dragging your feet on this sisue and it only gets worse. I have previously said ALL illegal immigrant children should be flown back to their home countries. Let's get going!
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