Dear Speaker Boehner,
I have read your weekly newsletter.
It Is always a surprise to me as the news media reports a public low opinion of Congress, apparently for having done little or nothing. I don't find that true, but even if it were, it would be a great advantage. We need less government, not increasing regulations and mandates limiting the liberties of citizens. The only general area where I would like to see a significant increase in the activity of Congress would be in the repeal of laws and regulations.
With that said, we can go on to your report, which indicates there have been dozens of House passed job bills, but they go nowhere because of a Democrat controlled Senate, with a "do nothing except redistribute wealth" attitude. I saw a few other posted comments concerning your weekly report. Most of these comments are from persons who seem unable to connect your bills to increasing jobs. Instead, they concentrate on the bills making more profits for so-called "fatcats". Somehow the Democrats/Socialists seem to be unable to grasp the fact that jobs are created by fatcats, not by government. If fatcats don't see a profit incentive, they will not move, and there will be no new jobs.
Speaker Boehner, I am sure that you are well aware of how all of your indicated House-passed bills related to jobs, but for those persons who need further description, I will go on to be more specific in explanation of a few.
Keystone Pipeline - It would take people to build the pipeline, if the socialistic Administration ever gets around to approving the project. That's design and construction jobs. When the pipeline would be running, we would have lower energy costs. People would be spending less of their income on gasoline to operate their motor vehicles, heat their houses, and electricity. This makes more money in the pocket to spend on other things, which need to be produced, distributed, and sold, all of which involve new jobs.
Rollback Redtape and Unnecessary Regulations - This is all-encompassing. Every piece of redtape which causes a delay in profitable operation of any business, decreases the efficiency of the business and discourages small business owners, of which there are many, from expanding their operations and hiring new people. In some cases, small business owners find the redtape limitation so restrictive that they decide to go out of business, which gives more unemployment. Unnecessary regulations do the same thing., But let's take a particular case in point. The Environmental Protection Agency is limiting production of carbon dioxide from electricity producing power plants. No one has ever shown any relationship between carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere and a more destructive climate. In effect, carbon dioxide/climate change is a hoax and any money spent on it is wasted. However, as the EPA applies its unnecessary regulations, the cost of electricity shoots up, and there is less money for consumers to spend on other things; a job killer.
Help schools to Recruit and Keep the Best Teachers - There was a recent report that US students fall in the middle of the worldwide pack on capability, in spite of the fact that we spend more money per student than any country in the world. The strong power of the teacher's union with the support of the federal government makes it impossible to improve teaching capability, which is a job disadvantage. If students were better educated, they would be able to compete more effectively in the world job market. If we fired ineffective teachers, that would not be a loss of jobs. It would be an opportunity for those more capable to take the same employment.
Eliminate Mandates - Mandates on the public require citizens to give up certain of their liberties. A case in point is Obamacare. As a citizen is required to participate in Obamacare, he is being forced by government to pay for benefits to someone else. While theoretically he could have the same benefits, the fact is that in many cases individuals do not require the same benefits. For example, a young single man will never have any requirement for pregnancy treatment. These higher costs to average citizens result in less pocket money and cut the opportunity for increased jobs in the society in the same manner as mentioned above.
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