Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Email to Representative Neugebauer (Texas)

Copy of open email to Representative Neugebauer (Texas):

    I read your newsletter, and have a few comments.
    On comprehensive immigration reform, you say a bipartisan group from the House of Representatives will soon release a proposal and that you are waiting to learn the details. It seems to me that you should be part of the bipartisan group preparing the details. I agree with the various points you make on the subject, but you don't need to sell them to me, you need to sell them to your Congressional Associates.
    On the subject of the proposed $100 departure tax for airline passengers, I suggest you look at the detail. If this is a general tax, you and I should be opposed. On the other hand, if it is a recovery of an expense from operating the system of air traffic control or other aspects related to airport operations, passengers should pay the required fee. It should not be the taxpayer's responsibility to subsidize traffic or anything else through government doles.
    If the "morning after" pill adequately prevents conception without any significant negative physiological reactions, I believe it should be offered over-the-counter in the same way as aspirin. Such availability will undoubtedly contribute to the use of abortion by young teenagers. While I don't believe that is desirable, the present socialistic system of health benefits at the expense of taxpayers justifies such action. If one less child is born out of wedlock and forced on the taxpayers for public support, there is an obvious economic advantage. Let us also remember that it is the basic parent's responsibility to educate their children on sex and control their actions when they are underage. If you want to avoid the availability of the "morning after" pill to teenagers, you are obligated to also revise the healthcare system so that it is no longer publicly supported.
 You have not mentioned the details about the three items that you will be voting on next week. However, on the Energy item, you will want to strongly support the Keystone pipeline and increased availability of permits for oil and natural gas drilling on federal lands, including coastal water areas. On the National Labor Relations Board item, your position should be that government should not support the development of unions. However, workers should have the right to establish unions and worker participation should be optional without the mandatory payment of union dues. The five-year Farm Bill item should be primarily directed to stabilization of farm product availability to avoid potential famine. It should allow for market forces to be at work in order to generally control prices and availability within normal limits and allow for government interference using more drastic measures only when food shortages are obviously imminent.

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