Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obama's Foreign Policy

    Anonymous CJ says the following, to which I heartily agree:

"The violence sweeping North Africa and the Middle East is the clear result of Obama's policy of apology and "leading from behind".  The world leaders including those in arab countries know that he is a weakling.  The Russians and Chinese are ready to step up as we retreat.  It is a tragedy.

My message of yesterday is repeated below. Charles Krauthammer, one of the intelligent analysts, made the same comments this evening."


"We are now witnessing the outcome of the Obama policy of apologies for America and "leading from behind". You may or not recall but his first act as president was to tour Europe and the Middle East and apologize for America's "arrogance".  Then he attempted to engage the Mullahs of  Iran by offering our friendship.  Follow that with abandoning Iraq completely on the pretense of a failed negotiation of the rules regarding our military personnel.  Afghanistan was the "right war". He added to the troop presence there and remarkably set a date for withdrawal at the same time.  In Libya, we led from behind.  We are now reaping the whirlwind of his failed leadership.  World leaders of all stripes have known since the beginning that Obama is a weakling.  Until we change the leadership of this country and elect people who believe in our principles, our country will suffer.  It is tragic"

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