Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The B-1 Bomber and Terrorism

Open e-mail to Rep. Neugebauer:


I read your newsletter.

I agree with your position on the B-1 bomber. President Obama has shown weakness to all potential foreign aggressors, and this is not the time to be significantly reducing our military might; not for aggression but for protection. I can also understand your pandering to Dyess Air Force Base for vote getting, but I hate to see it put in the same category as national defense.

It's nice to hear what the House is doing on the payroll tax extension, but what are you doing personally?
With regard to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I disagree with your position. Government must be required to arrest any US citizen suspected of having committed or planning to commit terrorism against the United States. The law should include conditions for speedy trial, rather than an indefinite hold at a place such as Guantánamo.

Merry Christmas!

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