Monday, November 28, 2011

Another Ridiculous Budget Buster

Open e-mail to Rep. Neugebauer:


I just learned that the House and Senate passed minibus bill H. Rept.112-284, and it was on its way to the President for signing. He has possibly signed it by now.

According to C&E News, the bill contains funding for five federal agencies. Total expenditure will be $33 billion. Only NASA will see a budget cut. Three other see increases of 3 to 7%. The FDA budget is unclear in the C&E News report, but it is presumably up.

I continue to hear about a huge deficit in the total federal budget. How do you rationalize these increases, when we should be having significant decreases?

In the last federal election, we elected a bunch of fiscal conservatives to the house. What happened to them? Did they become brainwashed? How did you vote on this minibus bill?

I'm a scientist, but I'm not ignorant about money. I can tell you that these so-called "science" agencies are budget busters, and you and your organization have contributed greatly to the continued decline of US economic power.

I was also under the impression that we were supposed to shrink government. How do we do that, if we keep throwing money at these various agencies?

It appears that House of Representatives Appropriations Committee Chairman, Harold D. Rogers was very favorable to this budget. He said that, "this minibus represents a fiscally responsible bipartisan compromise that will prevent a potential government shutdown." I suppose it's unreasonable to ask you you how he could come up with such a ridiculous statement. Rogers is ostensibly a Republican from Kentucky. Based on his recent work, he is not a Republican. He is a socialist, with the cloak of a Republican. Get him out of there. He is doing a lot of damage.

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