Friday, February 5, 2010

Listen to Foreign Lobbyists

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Republican Senate Leader McConnell Fighting Effort To Block U.S. Political Spending By Foreign Corporations. You'd think that if there were one Democratic initiative that Republicans in Congress might be bashful about opposing -- especially given the current anti-corporate climate in the country -- it would be a bid to stop foreign corporations from pouring money into our elections. You'd be wrong. In fact, they're willing to stand up in support of those foreign corporations' right to do so. (".

What's the big deal here? Congress has for years been listening to every little claptrap, pie-in-the-sky minority, and making laws to the disadvantage of the general public. Why not let foreign corporations lobby you and your associates? Maybe they can inject some common sense or at least get you folks to the point of making decisions based on facts and logic, rather than who squeals the most.

The thing that really hurts me is the "current anti-corporate climate in this country". Early Congresses developed corporate law to aid in the development of the nation. It has been successful, but the present Obama Administration is tearing it down. They want a complete Marxist philosophy and corporations must go. If you believe in that and like the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, such as I have seen in my lifetime, keep doing what you are doing. That is, support Obama in his endeavor. If you don't believe our future lies in Marxism, you better be fighting the Administration tooth and nail.

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