Thursday, September 3, 2009

Philosophies and agendas

EIN News says, "China Closes Doors to European Businesses. Doing business in China is getting harder, not easier, according to European businesses, as they laid out almost 600 pages of complaints in a new report. The report paints a troubling picture of the Chinese business landscape, filled with discrimination against foreign companies, arbitrary laws and regulations, and abuses of China's World Trade Organization obligations. (".
Not surprising.
Christians are obligated to convert the world to Christianity. Muslims are obligated to convert the world to Islam. Republics, such as democratic US, believe they are obligated to convert the world to democracy. Communist countries, such as China, believe they are obligated to convert the world to communism.
Be assured that China has two objectives. The first is to become financially, physically, and militarily strong. The second is to use that capability to establish communism wherever it can. China is now financially, physically and militarily strong enough so that it no longer needs the West to build its financial and technological strength. Therefore, it will start to sever relations.
Whatever "do-gooders" may think, the world operates on a competitive basis and will continue to do so. As we have granted power to China, through various operations, we have in turn become weaker. It is a "hardball" game and the sooner Congress realizes this, the better. We cannot count on our Administration,

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